School Lunches
Children can opt to bring a packed lunch or have a school meal. School Meals are preordered via our "Schoolmoney" our online payment system, please ensure meals are pre booked before midnight for the following day but can be booked several weeks in advance.
Packed lunches - Please note: we operate a healthy eating policy which encourages children to eat a healthy, balanced lunch. This might include sandwiches, cheese, yoghurts, fruit and a drink in a non-breakable container (fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolates are not permitted).
Our EYFS and KS1 pupils are entitled to the "Universal Infant Free School Meal" programme which allows all pupils to have a school meal free of charge.
If your KS2 child wishes to have a school meal, these are payable for in advance, at a cost of £2.40 per day (£12.00 per week). This can be paid weekly or termly, whichever is most convenient for you. Payment can be made online via 'Schoolmoney'. Please contact the school office at anytime if you need any more information.
Some children are entitled to have a free school meal, dependent on parental income and related support. For more information about this please view where you can access further information and a downloadable form.
School meals are cooked on site by Lancashire County Council staff.The menus are extensive, appetising and healthy and are rotated on a 3 weekly basis. See the Autumn/Winter 2024 menu below.