‘With Love We Grow’



At St Joseph's, we believe the prominence of the English language is undeniable in both education and society. Our curriculum aims to motivate and inspire all children to attain a high-quality education in English and equip them with the ability to express themselves verbally and in writing, facilitating effective communication of their thoughts and feelings. Especially through reading, our pupils are presented with opportunities for holistic growth: cultural, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual. In this developmental journey, high quality literature assumes a pivotal role. Reading not only enables the acquisition of knowledge but also the expansion of existing understanding. Building from learning how to decode specific phonemes and the importance of story time, to nurturing pupils who are confident in both word reading and language comprehension. We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately and adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. We want to inspire children to be confident in the art of speaking and listening and use discussion to communicate and further their learning; from understanding the importance of listening and turn-taking in EYFS, to creating a vocabulary-rich environment built on the art of discussion, debate and speaking with confidence as they move through school. Proficiency in all language skills is indispensable for complete participation in society. We aim for our pupils to attain fluency and confidence in speaking, reading, and writing in order to gain full societal engagement.

Through our study of English, we aim to ensure all pupils:

- read easily, fluently and with good understanding

- develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information

- acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language

- appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage

- write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

- use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas

- are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate


Curriculum Structure & Sequencing

We structure our English curriculum by using the National Curriculum. This allows all our children, in every year group, to have a full and in depth understanding of spoken language, reading, writing and spelling, punctuation and grammar. 

At St Joseph's, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We promote reading for pleasure at every opportunity. Children have a class novel read to them by the teacher every day and this novel is carefully chosen to give the children high quality, engaging texts that will develop their love of stories and reading. They have access to a bank of age appropriate independent books that push their imagination in a range of reading genres, which they may take home to read. In EYFS and KS1, these home reading books are pitched at the same level as the children's developing phonics knowledge. Time for independent reading is on the timetable and the essential skills of reading are taught systematically as children move through the school. During Guided Reading, children are taught decoding and comprehension skills through both fiction and non fiction texts. These sessions adopt a whole-class approach where children are immersed in texts that stretch their imagination and support the improvement in comprehension through discussions, book talk and independent work. The texts used in reading lessons are focused on different themes to link with other curriculum areas as well as topical issues. A range of reading styles are used in lessons from independent reading, echo reading and reading aloud. From Year 2 onwards, children quiz on the book they have read using Accelerated Reader quizzes. They love to quiz and to see their comprehension scores and word counts grow. To motivate them, they receive reading badges when they achieve thresholds of numbers of words.

We have two libraries - one in each Key Stage and these are both comfortable and inviting places which entice children to choose books to read. We have celebration certificates and other rewards for children who are improving, excelling or enjoying their reading or showing improved attitudes towards reading. Reading homework is given weekly and children are encouraged to read widely at home with parents. Parents are supported with suggestions for book choices; annual book fairs; questions and prompts for listening to children read and with visits to the local library. We also promote the library's Summer Reading Challenge so that children can continue their good reading habits over the summer holidays. We use various online learning platforms to give children more opportunities to read.

Our writing cycles vary in length; ranging from 2-5 weeks dependent on the text type being covered and they are linked to an aspect of the history or geography studied by each year group. This model allows us to link reading, writing and foundation subjects together creating an holistic model. The focus for each half-term alternates between fiction and non-fiction with the first half of each term being fiction based and the second half, non-fiction. During the second half-term we also cover our poetry unit. Teachers introduce the children to a variety of texts linked to the history and geography and to the text type being covered.

At St Joseph's we use the Talk 4 Writing model to teach writing. With this model, children are firstly given the opportunity to read and 'immerse' themselves in texts, using a range of additional stimuli to inspire future writing. We explore authorial style, vocabulary and sentence structures then use these to complete 'short bursts' of writing to apply the spelling, grammar and punctuation skills taught. After that, children are giving the opportunity to 'imitate' the text being studied. Here, we 'box-up' the plot of the text and complete shared writes. Finally, during the 'innovation' stage, children complete their own independent write based on all the work previously completed.

As a school we believe in developing reflective learners that can independently assess their work and 'fix' errors. Additionally, we have implemented the model of 'triads' where children come together in threes to assess the work of themselves and one another and offer constructive feedback.

Content & Concepts

Through using high-quality fiction and non-fiction texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and high quality first teaching, we develop reading fluency and comprehension with a focus on key reading strategies and skills; develop grammar and punctuation knowledge and understanding to use and apply across the wider curriculum; explore the writing structure and features of different genres, identify the purpose and audience; plan and write pieces of writing with a clear context and purpose before evaluating the effectiveness of writing by editing and redrafting. To develop writing skills, writing is modelled, shared and celebrated. Handwriting is taught regularly and high expectations of presentation and accuracy of written work is embedded not only in English lessons, but across the curriculum. In addition to daily English lessons, children excel in early reading through the use of the Red Rose Phonics programme from Early Years and through KS1 and Year 3 and continue to develop a range of reading skills. This leads onto the use of the Accelerated Reader from Year 2 to Year 6 to give the children regular practice and immediate feedback in comprehension skills.

Enrichment and Personal Development

Children have a range of enrichment opportunities to raise enjoyment and engagement, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning. Over the year, pupils take part in public speaking during class assemblies, church services and plays, in World Book Day events and in themed writing projects. Children’s love for reading is promoted through daily story time, book swaps and appealing class reading areas. Additionally, we have an annual book fair which is well attended and profits are used to purchase new books for school. Reading and writing are celebrated in school through weekly awards given in Celebration Assembly and reading badges linked to Accelerated Reader.

Assessment and Next Steps

We assess English in a variety of ways, giving pupils the opportunity to showcase their spoken language, reading and writing skills acquired. Pupils are assessed within lessons and at the end of units. Within guided reading sessions and phonics lessons children are regularly assessed and any gaps in learning are addressed through targeted interventions. From Year 2 to Year 6, children complete a termly computerised reading assessment (STAR). Writing units teach skills, building in opportunities for independent writing which are assessed and lead to end of term judgements.

English in the Early Years Foundation Stage

In addition to the area of Literacy within the Early Years Foundation Stage, English forms important parts of many aspects of the EYFS framework. The very nature of English and its importance at an early age means that the skills children learn are prominent across all seven areas. However, English is taught within the teaching and learning of the following areas of EYFS:

-Communication and Language


Through the study of English in EYFS, the foundation for children's overall learning and development lies in the development of their spoken language. Early back-and-forth interactions serve as the building blocks for language and cognitive growth. The quality and quantity of conversations in a language-rich environment, where practitioners comment on and echo children's interests, play a crucial role. Actively engaging children in diverse reading experiences, including stories, non fiction, rhymes, and poems, and providing ample opportunities for them to hear and use new words, fosters language development. Additionally, cultivating a love for reading, encompassing both language comprehension and word reading dimensions, is essential for a child's lifelong learning journey. Writing involves transcription (spelling and handwriting) and composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech, before writing).

During the first term in EYFS, children's language skills are assessed using the Oxford Language screening tool. This enables language intervention to take place using the NELI - Nuffield Early Language Intervention - for the children whose language skills are behind those of their peers and age group.

Links to Development Matters

Communication and Language

a) Understand how to listen carefully and why listening is important.

b) Learn new vocabulary.

c) Use new vocabulary through the day.

d) Ask questions to find out more and to check they understand what has been said to them.

e) Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences.

f) Connect one idea or action to another using a range of connectives.

g) Describe events in some detail.

h) Use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities, and to explain how things work and why they might happen.

i) Develop social phrases.

j) Engage in story times.

k) Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.

l) Retell the story, once they have developed a deep familiarity with the text, some as exact repetition and some in their own words.

m) Use new vocabulary in different contexts.

n) Listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.

o) Learn rhymes, poems and songs.

p) Engage in non-fiction books.

q) Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.


a) Read individual letters by saying the sounds for them.

b) Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter– sound correspondences.

c) Read some letter groups that each represent one sound and say sounds for them.

d) Read a few common exception words matched to the school’s phonic programme.

e) Read simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences and, where necessary, a few exception words.

f) Re-read these books to build up their confidence in word reading, their fluency and their understanding and enjoyment.

g) Form lower-case and capital letters correctly.

h) Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s.

i) Write short sentences with words with known sound-letter correspondences using a capital letter and full stop.

j) Re-read what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Inclusion Within English

We are an inclusive school and as such, do not believe in narrowing the curriculum for any learner. Our curriculum is designed with inclusion of all at the heart, and our curriculum intent is therefore the same for all children. We are mindful that there are an abundance of factors which need to be considered in order for all learners to be able to access learning according to their individual needs; perhaps none more so than for those learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Therefore, whilst our curriculum intent is the same for all learners, our implementation of the curriculum may well look different for different groups of pupils. Teachers will plan, scaffold, challenge and embed learning through activities which are adapted to meet children’s needs – we call this adapted implementation. This is to ensure that our curriculum can be met by all within an inclusive environment, mindful and responsive to children’s needs.

Parental Involvement

Parents are important partners in the learning process and are encouraged to play an active role in supporting all the language activities at school. They are invited to support the home reading scheme, sharing and enjoying books with their child at the earliest stages of reading and supporting and encouraging as the child’s confidence as a reader grows. Independent readers still need encouragement as they move through Key Stage 2 so a continued involvement by parents in this process is vital. Home-school diaries are passed between home and school so the two-way communication between teacher and parent is maintained. Parents are also asked to help their child with other activities such as learning spellings and completing homework.


The impact on our children is clear: progress, sustained learning, transferrable skills and a love of English. The impact of what we do will be seen in books (in all subjects), displays and through discussions with staff, parents and the children themselves. By the end of Year 6, the children will have developed the necessary skills to become capable, empowered and enthusiastic young adults of the future who have a vision to use their skills to create a better world. The aim is to have inspired the next generation to see learning as an enjoyable, life-long journey and be excited and curious to continue to learn.

Get in touch

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Rothwell Road, Anderton, Chorley, Lancashire PR6 9LZ

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